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SPNN Podcast

Jun 15, 2022

LGBTQ+ teens get pregnant at higher rates than other teens in Minnesota. Exploring trans and queer birth, as well as teen pregnancy, sex education, and societal factors is the focus of this episode of Queering Community Health Podcast. Host Emi Gaçaj connects with experts in the field to discuss data driven and experience centered approaches to understanding LGBTQ+ teen pregnancy, drawing strong conclusions on how to create change in this field.  


Jill Farris (she/her) MPH is the Director of Adolescent Sexual Health Training and Education at the Healthy Youth Development - Prevention Research Center. 

Alison Moore (she/her) is the Health Education Program Manager for the Minneapolis School Based Clinics, where she has worked for the past 11 years. 

 Sawyer Plotz (he/him) is a sexual health educator at Family Tree Clinic. During the school year, he facilitates presentations for 4th-12th graders on topics related to healthy sexuality. And in the summer, he facilitates KiSS, Family Tree's peer education program for LGBTQ teens & allies.











Star Tribune article Gay teens have higher pregnancy rates than their straight peers

CDC About Teen Pregnancy

NBC News Bullying seen as a factor in higher pregnancy rates among lesbian, bisexual teens

LGBT Health Sexual Orientation Disparities in Pregnancy Risk Behaviors and Pregnancy Among Sexually Active Teenage Girls: Updates from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey

2015 Adolescent Sexual Health Report


Health Youth Development Prevention Research Center

Queer Birth Project

Transcend Psychotherapy

KiSS - Keeping It Safe and Sexy peer educator program

Pregnancy and Post Partem Support MN - resources for LGBTQIA+